Friday 12 November 2010

Expecting Mother

Some of the best moments of a woman are when she becomes a mother. When a woman conceives and is due to deliver in nine months there are a number of anticipations and worries along with happiness and excitement in one's mind. Every pregnant woman wants to have a healthy child. Taking good care of yourself and your child during pregnancy is of utmost importance.

Mother-to-bes have special health requirements. They need to consume food for two people- for themselves and the baby that is growing in the womb. It is therefore required that a pregnant woman eats healthy. A good nutritious diet comprising bread, fruits, vegetables, milk and milk products, protein food and meat is very important for the body. Your body will go through a lot of changes in the months after you conceive. It is required that you get a lot of rest. Also, lot of water must be taken. You can ask your doctor to fix a diet plan to know the amount of food that you need to consume.

It is required that pregnant women take in folic acid supplement regularly. It's generally present in most of the prenatal vitamins. Other nutrients including Vitamin B and Calcium are also present in these prenatal supplements. Foods that have high calcium content should be consumed on a regular basis. Some good sources of calcium are dried beans; almonds, vegetable that are dark green in color such as sardines, broccoli and spinach, milk and milk products, and peas.

It is absolutely important that you remain fit during your pregnancy, and that you keep in close contact with your health insurance provider to make sure all your expenses are covered. You would do well to get some exercise for your body. Walking in the morning is the best exercise for the body. It helps to increase blood flow and also brings about an increase in the oxygen levels in the body. Avoid heavy lifting and doing sit-ups or tummy exercises.

A perfect combination of good diet and easy workouts is very beneficial for your health as well as the health of the child. Most of the pregnant women suffer from weight gain. They overlook the necessity of a healthy diet and exercise and accumulate unwanted fat in their body.

It is absolutely taboo to smoke when you are pregnant and you also need to stay away from people who smoke. Smoking is risky as it can lead to the baby being born prematurely or having a low birth weight. Alcohol is also very bad for the health and can affect your unborn baby. Also avoid any kind of chemicals. Don't inhale any kind of weed killers, sprays, pesticides, or any other kind of chemicals.

You should also talk to your doctor on a regular basis. You are having a special time in your life and there are special requirements, vitamins, eating habits, etc to be taken care of. It is important that you take very good care of yourself at this point of time in order to have a healthy body.

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